Fraxel: A New Treatment for Advanced Skincare

Fraxel is a laser technology that has been around for nearly 20 years but is now being used in a novel way by dermatologists to treat different types of skin conditions.

Fraxel laser treatment, also known as skin resurfacing, employs thermal energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing response to surface wounds, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and surgical scars, as well as to promote the formation of new collagen. It can treat almost any aspect of the face, including acne scarring, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and enlarged pores.

This article will go over everything you need to know about Fraxel as a skincare treatment and how it can help your skin.

What Is Fraxel Laser Treatment?

The Fraxel laser is a type of laser that uses thermal energy to stimulate the production of new collagen and elastin in the skin. It enhances texture, elasticity, and overall appearance. Heat is used by the high-tech lasers to break down and soften the damaged skin, triggering your body’s healing response to create new, healthy skin tissue and collagen in the affected area.

It’s a non-invasive procedure that can help with aging signs on all skin types. The procedure itself usually takes only a few minutes and has almost no downtime. To achieve the best results, Fraxel laser treatments are frequently combined with other procedures such as chemical peels or microdermabrasion.

How It Works

Your dermatologist will examine your skin and determine which areas require treatment. After that, the laser will be passed over the area several times. The process is repeated by the specialist until the desired result is obtained.

Depending on the area of concern and the depth of the wrinkles, one Fraxel laser treatment session is sufficient to see significant improvement in the appearance and texture of your skin. Four sessions are typically recommended, but this can vary depending on the patient’s age and health status.

Because skin resurfacing treatments can make your skin more sensitive to the sun’s rays, you should wear sunscreen afterward. It is also not advised for people with dark or tanned skin, those with blood diseases, diabetes, pregnant women, children under the age of 12, and those taking certain medications.

Are There Any Side Effects with Fraxel?

The most common side effects of Fraxel are redness and swelling at the treatment site. During the procedure, you will feel like an elastic band is being snapped on your skin. You may experience some discomfort, but it is usually not unbearable or painful.

Again, patients should avoid direct sun exposure for a few days after treatment, wear sunscreen, and avoid using skin-irritating products. Some medications may necessitate touch-ups, and side effects usually subside within two weeks.

Types Of Fraxel Laser

There are three types of Fraxel lasers that doctors use in a skincare center. The kind best suited for you depends on your skin type and condition. You can use each type to treat acne scars or an aging skin surface, so it’s essential to choose the one that is best suited for you.

Fraxel Repair

Because it requires deep penetration into the skin, Fraxel Repair employs an older laser with more energy than most other lasers. It produces new collagen and elastin by delivering an intense wavelength of light beneath the surface of your skin. Over time, these healthy cells make your skin look plumper, tighter, and brighter, but it can take up to six months for these changes to be fully visible.

Fraxel Restore

Fraxel Dual uses a mix of longer and shorter wavelengths, giving it an advantage over other lasers. It uses two different wavelengths-Thulium 1927nm, 1550nm-which means it penetrates deeper into the skin. It can also target pigmentation and textural irregularities, such as bumps on your face caused by keratosis pilaris. Fraxel Dual targets all sorts of issues with aging, such as wrinkles, loss of elasticity, age spots, and blotchiness from rosacea.

Fraxel Dual

Fraxel Dual has an advantage over other lasers because it uses a combination of longer and shorter wavelengths. It employs two distinct wavelengths (Thulium 1927nm and 1550nm), allowing it to penetrate deeper into the skin. It can also treat pigmentation and textural irregularities, such as keratosis pilaris bumps on your face. Fraxel Dual addresses a wide range of aging issues, including wrinkles, elasticity loss, age spots, and rosacea blotchiness.

Benefits of Using Fraxel For Skin Care

The earlier you begin taking care of your skin, the better off you’ll be. Fraxel treatment is one of the most popular in advanced skincare because:

  • Fraxel treatments are non-invasive skin tightening procedures that use laser energy to stimulate the production of new collagen in your skin’s deeper layers. The treatments are brief, comfortable, and almost painless.
  • The procedure can aid in the reduction of wrinkles, the improvement of skin tone and texture, the reduction of pore size, the smoothing of scars and sun damage, and the removal of pigment changes caused by aging.

    This is due to the fact that Fraxel lasers remove damaged skin cells from the surface of your face, neck, hands, or body. As these cells slough off, healthy new cells will emerge from beneath and gradually take their place—a process known as neocollagenesis.

  • It is far less invasive and painful than other procedures such as chemical peels or surgery. And, contrary to popular belief, Fraxel laser treatment does not result in scarring.
  • It heals traumatic scars quickly and makes them less visible. Furthermore, with little downtime, this procedure can give you smoother, more youthful-looking skin. If you’re ready to fight the aging mind, get in touch with an experienced provider right away.


Schedule a Free Professional Consultation Today With Advanced Skincare

When laser technology was first introduced in the early 1980s, it was primarily used to remove hair and scars. Lasers are now widely used for a wide range of cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. Fraxel laser treatment is an example of how technology has progressed.

This treatment option provides excellent skin rejuvenation benefits by treating wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, and other blemishes.

Schedule a free professional consultation today with Advanced Skincare to determine if this treatment is proper for you.

You can call us at (714) 790-9372 or send us a message at We will be more than happy to help answer any of your questions.